Rose Wine Wine Of South Africa A delightful blend of strawberry and watermelon flavours with a hint of sweetness make our delicious Echo Falls rose....
White ZinfandelWine of California, USA A lively combination of strawberries and juicy watermelon with a touch of red cherry make our Echo Falls white zinfandel....
Alcoholic Mixed Beverage. We blend summer strawberries and sweet raspberry flavours with a touch of dark fruits to make our Summer Berries Fruit Fusion 9.0%....
ChardonnayWine of California, USA A refreshing mix of tropical fruit and juicy peach flavours with hints of fig and vanilla make our Echo Falls chardonnay....
Sauvignon Blanc White Wine - White Wine- Appearance: Pale straw- Palate: Tropical fruit salad spiked with sweet and sour lime and a green fig, nettle...
Wine of Valle Central, Chile Carbon Neutral Certified. Learn more at Product Marketing A smooth mix of blackberry and plum flavours with a hint...
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